
Commit to you

I find it interesting that we can be very consistent when it comes to complaining about our problems, sometimes unaware we’re even doing it. So how about we practice a consistent ritual, which enhances life.

What could you commit to for 21 day’s which you know you’d benefit from?

Over the years consistency has been one of the key’s which has supported me to experience a deeper sense of happiness and fulfillment.   At the moment I’m doing the 100 day project, by writing each day for 100 days. I’m on day 27 today and so far, so good! 


Is there something you’d like to commit to?  It could be 21 days of meditation, or 10 long slow deep breaths before you rise.  Speaking a couple of affirmations into the mirror before you head to work, journaling each day, walking in nature or maybe it’s different each day, however it’s a consistent step towards building your business, enhancing your marriage or feeling a certain way each day. 


I find it interesting that we can be very consistent when it comes to complaining about our problems, sometimes unaware we’re even doing it.  So how about we practice a consistent ritual, which enhances life. A ritual, that makes us feel good, or maybe it helps others feel good.


What could you commit to for 21 days? 


Here’s a few tips:

  • Choose something that might stretch you, yet you find joy in it too.


  • You may like to choose a set time, like first thing in the morning, last thing at night or in your lunch break.


  • Jot down on a piece of paper, or mark each day on your calendar so you can see your progress.  You may even like to write a little something about how you feel, as you progress through the 21 days.  There could be subtle shifts or big ones!


  • Choose to buddy up.  Ask someone to join you and work on holding each other accountable and cheering each other on.  This is especially beneficial for people with ‘words of affirmation’ and ‘quality time’ love languages  


Now here’s the catch, once you’ve committed to your 21 days, if you miss a day, I encourage you start at the beginning again.  I know that this can seem tough, however how committed are you?  Maybe knowing you have to start again, will push you to try harder.


I remember Andy and I going through a really tough time and I decided to do consistent gratitude towards Andy and our relationship.  I’m embarrassed to admit, that I found very few things to be grateful for at the beginning. I was far too busy focusing on what wasn’t working.  Slowly though my perspective began to change and by the end of the exercise, I felt so much love and gratitude towards him.  I often bring this exercise back in, when I feel a little disconnected or frustrated in our relationship.  It really is amazing how gratitude and consistency can change our whole perspective.  


So, what will you commit to which could enhance your life?


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