I'm delighted you're here.

Let me share a little about me

You might find that you can relate...

Ko Maunganui tōku maunga

Maunganui is my mountain

Ko Waipoua tōku awa.

Waipoua is my river.

Ko Kawerua tōku moana.

Kawerua is my ocean.

Ko Ngā Tokimatawhaorua tōku waka.

Ngā Tokimatawhaorua is my ancestral canoe. 

Ko Pananawe tōku marae.

Pananawe is my tradiational meeting place.

Ko Te Roroa, Ko Ngāpuhi, Ko Ngati Korokoro ōku iwi

Te Roroa, Ngāpuhi, Ngati Korokoro are my iwi.

Ko Bill Milich tōku pāpā.

Bill Milich is my father.

Ko Pat Milich tōku māmā.

Pat Milich is my mother.

Ko Tracy Manu tōku ingoa

My name is Tracy Manu.

Over the years I’ve come to understand on an intrinsic level that everything happening in our lives is directly linked to the relationship we have with ourselves. What we believe, becomes our reality. The more we connect with our authentic self and cultivate a beautiful relationship within, the more our lives can flourish.

I’ve witnessed this time and time again, with the incredible clients I’ve supported over the last 15 years and also in my own life.

I’m a Life Coach, Mentor, Writer and Truth Seeker.  I support you to delve into the depths of your soul and discover what makes you truly happy. 

I’m talking uncovering limiting beliefs that have held you back from living your best life, cultivating deeply satisfying relationships both personally and professionally, living aligned to your values and with purpose and embracing your unique and authentic self. This is what I’m here for.

I’m a Mother, Grandmother, Wife and in my 50th year earthside.  I’ve taken up surfing and te reo Māori studies, which both scare the shit out of me, but also light me up in the most amazing ways! I’m fulfilling a lifelong goal to become a published author. My first book is out in June 2025!

There’s a back story though… there always is…

Let me explain a little more…

One day about 30 years ago, a gorgeous friend played a huge part in transforming my life.  She handed me a copy of Louise Hay’s book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’.   This was definitely a pivotal moment in my life, because after reading the first page I was hooked.  This book spoke to me. It made me realise that I was responsible for my happiness, not my partner, my career, the weather or anything else outside of me.  It was up to me, I held the power and if I chose to, I could create myself, a beautiful life.

After reading that book, my thirst for knowledge and growth became a constant. I immersed myself in many teachings; Kinesiology, Bach Flowers, Life Coaching, Louise Hay’s teacher training, Kundalini Yoga, First Light Flower Essences and I attended many workshops, hired counselors, life coaches and business coaches.  I was a sponge for knowledge and it was an incredible time.

Through all of this learning I transformed my life.  As I grew I moved away from my home-town, left toxic relationships behind, met the love of my life, Andy and we’ve now been together 22 years.  I improved my health, healed past wounds and addictions and met the most amazing Soul sisters and took the plunge and started my coaching business Blossom.

As I began my te reo Māori journey, my healing journey continued and I also realised that I was already intuitively living and sharing with clients a holistic way of life that is closely linked to a Māori worldview. I felt deeply connected to all of life, including the spirit world. I understood that the body is sacred, the breath is healing, nature is medicine, our relationships are deeply important and our relationship with self is directly related to our connection with Papatūānuku and all of life. And that as we deepen our connection with ourselves, we become better kaitiaki.

Over the years I have found myself in some incredibly challenging situations and I’ve had to dig deep and find my inner strength to let go of my old ways and create the life I now live, yet it was all worth it.

My journey so far has given me the empathy, to understand others situations, the humility to know we can all fall down, yet we can rise again, the wisdom to trust my intuition and say what comes through me and the tools, to support others to create a life they truly desire.

I’ve had some amazing support, teachers and cheerleaders over the years, which I am incredibly grateful for and I’m also super grateful  that I too, walk alongside the most phenomenal people from all walks of life, supporting them to create lives that they love too.

So beauty, what are you longing to achieve, embrace, conquer, manifest or transform? 

I know you can hear the call of your Soul, and now it’s time to honour your wisdom…

Tell me, what do you long to experience in this lifetime?

I would love to support you to make it happen…

Tracy x

Time to take on a new adventure - you

what My clients say