Last week I spoke about my Relationship Insecurities on my Facebook page.  I mentioned that self-love played a big part in my healing.  I’d love to share with you some of what I did to heal my heart and rebuild my self-worth, which has enabled me to experience a deeply satisfying relationship with my hubby, Andy.

For those who don’t know my story, self-love was not something that came naturally to me.  Having grown up with eczema over most of my body, I disliked my appearance and often wished I were someone else.  A lifetime of comparison can create a vulnerable mind and this is what I experienced.

For many years I looked for external validation, hoping to find the love and intimacy I yearned for, however no-one really measured up.  It wasn’t that my expectations were too high; I was trying to attract a loving partner, which was a very different vibration to how I felt inside.

I continued the affirmations and mirror work, which I’d been doing for many years, however I stopped trying to be positive every time I was triggered.  I stopped avoiding the feelings that bought up pain and instead faced my fears and insecurities.

These are some of the actions I took:

Do you see what was unfolding? Empathy, kindness and gentleness were three things I’d dearly wanted in my relationships, however I hadn’t given them to myself. How we treat ourselves is the precedent to how others will treat us. As I began to be kinder to me, I received kindness from others too.

Yes, self-love is eating healthy food, exercising and doing affirmations.  It’s also acknowledging the shadow aspects of us and healing our past hurts, rather than trying to hide them while only loving the positive parts of ourselves.

As we’re able to dive deeper and accept ourselves for who we are right now, we discover a deeper sense of satisfaction, one that derives from within.  This is much different than the love we try to acquire from external circumstances.  Self-love is a love that no one can take away from you.  It’s the type of love which permeates into each area of your life and brings with it joy, trust, worthiness and contentment. It whispers to you, ‘You’ll be ok, no matter what…’

Tracy Manu is a life coach, women’s mentor and inspirational speaker. She supports and empowers women, to create lives they truly, deeply love.
If you’re ready to experience a deeply satisfying life, learn more about coaching or book your free consult with Tracy.