
Give Thanks And Dare To Dream

Say goodbye to 2018 and prepare for a beautiful 2019 with these simple questions…


What did I achieve in 2018?

What am I most proud of?

What am I grateful for?

What did I learn?

What didn’t work and I’ll now let go of?

What worked well?



How do I want to feel in 2019?

What self-care rituals do I need to implement to feel this way?

What goals do I need to work towards to feel this way?

Who do I need to BE to achieve my goals?

What’s one step I will take on January the 1st 2019 that will begin my year in a beautiful way?


Take time, dare to dream, write in your journal and most importantly get into the feelings of what it will be like to have a beautiful year ahead.


If you’d like more specific support with your goals, I have two spaces for new coaching clients, starting the week of the 14th of January 2019.  Book a free consult and let’s see if coaching is right for you.


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The benefits of owning your unique qualities.

Sometimes we get so comfy in our natural qualities, that as we move into different areas of our life, we continue to show up this way. These qualities may have been helpful in one area, like work, yet can hinder our experiences and relationships in others.

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