The benefits Of Being Creative

For years I didn’t believe that I was creative. I saw so many people around me creating beauty with their hands, a paint brush, clay, a pencil, in their kitchen, and through their businesses. I saw creativity everywhere.  I wished, longed for and dreamed of being creative, yet nothing ever seemed to unfold as I […]

Daily rituals to better your well being

We can’t change the situations around us however we can change the way we respond to them. By developing self-care rituals which cultivate a deeper connection to our conscious self, your life will unfold in the most spectacular ways.

The Game Changer That Helped Transform My Life

Many years ago while in a dark place, I was handed a copy of ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ by Louise Hay and it opened my eyes in a big way. Discovering that I was responsible for my own happiness was a massive revelation to me. I had always thought others were to blame for […]

Frazzled and Overwhelmed?

Ladies the Revitalize Your Life series is back with new topics and tools, which will support you to create a life you, truly love! Are you frazzled and overwhelmed by everything on your to-do list? Do you doubt yourself and wish to feel more confident? Or if you’re really honest, are you sick of trying […]

Give Thanks And Dare To Dream

Dare to Dream

Say goodbye to 2018 and prepare for a beautiful 2019 with these simple questions… 2018 What did I achieve in 2018? What am I most proud of? What am I grateful for? What did I learn? What didn’t work and I’ll now let go of? What worked well?   2019 How do I want to […]

Begin your day in a beautiful way

Begin your day in a beautiful way

The way we start our day, has a huge impact on the way our day unfolds.  You’ve most likely heard of Karma, cause and effect or the old quote, “treat others, as you would have them do unto you”.  They pretty much all mean the same thing…  In some shape or form “what we do, […]

Reflect on what triggers you

Reflecting on your triggers

Recently a few things have changed in our family business. It’s really exciting, but also means that new systems needed to be put in place.  These changes have taken up quite a bit of time – both physically and mentally, and without my realising it, it began to take a toll. So yesterday I cooked […]

How to create a self-care plan

Create a self-care plan

Are you someone who has more than one to-do list on the go? Are you someone who wakes in the morning and instantly thinks about what you have to do, or you feel tired and simply want to stay in bed? If so, you’re not alone. The way we start our day has a significant […]